Chinatownology is dedicated to the history, heritage and culture of Singapore Chinatown and Chinatowns around the world. In this website, you can find articles on the history, culture and events in Singapore Chinatown, and Chinatowns around the world.
We use Chinatowns as a platform to explore and to understand the development of overseas Chinese 华侨 societies, its food culture and material culture.
You can find things to do, places to eat and shop. These establishments may or may not be in Chinatown but are related to the cultural development of overseas Chinese.
A visit to any Chinatown is always visually exciting and interesting. But to connect yourself to the spirit of the Chinatown and its historical memories, you need to know its history and embrace its shared memories.
That's what makes the experience unique.
Chinatownology; a work-in-progress (WIP) project
Chinatownology is a work-in-progress website. Chinatowns have a long history and means different things to different people.
Full documentation of Chinatowns is a never ending process. That is why we decide to develop this website as a work-in-progress project.
If you have a story to tell, feedback, or comments, please write to us at
Meanwhile see our Chinatownology timeline.
Be a Chinatownologist!
Meanwhile, we like to invite you to be a Chinatownologist by joining our Facebook.
We want to hear your thoughts on Chinatownology so please share your comments.