History and historical events related to overseas Chinese
In this page, you can find a collection of articles and stories that are related to or have an impact on overseas Chinese societies or history.
Chinese Dynasties
A list of major Chinese dynasties for easy reference.
See also the stories from different Chinese dynasties.
Clan Associations
Clan associations can be found in most overseas Chinese societies. What were their historical functions and will clan associations continue to play a role in the future?
Flames of Yuan Ming Yuan
In 1860, the Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing was destoryed by the British and French troops. Many imperial treasures were looted. Should the relics be returned to China?
1997 Hong Kong Handover
How the Hong Kong Handover became the "Great Chinese Takeaway" and the "Charles Giveaway".
Ming dynasty remembered, 思明
Although the Ming dynasty was overthrown in 1644, the dynasty continued to be remembered in many ways that continued to this day; Green Lion dance, nine emperor god worship, opera..
Moon cake and Mongols
A popular Mid Autumn legend claims that moon cakes were instrumental in the overthrow of the Mongol dynasty in China. Chinatownology locates this myth against the historical backdrop of the Mongol dynasty.
World War 2: China Relief Fund
Founding of China Relief Fund during the 2nd Sino Japanese War that evolved into part of World War Two. China Relief Fund was the 1st regional overseas Chinese organization in the history of South East Asia.
Emperor's Elixir
The First Emperor of China sent Xu Fu, 徐福, to obtain the elixir of imortality. After Xu Fu left, he never returned and some believed that he settled in Japan.
Did he settled in Japan?
Qu Yuan 屈原
A patriot who lived during the Warring States period who committed suicide when his country's capital fell to invading Qin army. His patriotism is remembered every year during the Dumpling Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival.
Yang Gui Fei, 杨贵妃
Yang Gui Fei was the consort of Tang Emperor and is one of the 4 beauties of ancient China. In 756 CE, she was forced to commit suicde during a mutiny. However, there were rumours that she had escaped to Japan. Did she die in China or escape to Japan?
What is Chinatown?
Chinatown, chinatown chinatown. So many Chinatowns in the world but how did they evolved and how they came into being?
Dr Leon Comber (1921 - 2023)
In 1958, Dr. Leon Comber published “Chinese Temples in Singapore”. Almost 50 years later, “Chinese Temples in Singapore” continue to be read, to be used as a reference and can be found in major library collections around the world. Dr. Leon Comber shares his thoughts as his book approaches its 50th birthday.
Venerable Pu Liang 普亮法师
Buddhist monk executed by the Japanese after the fall of Singapore. The Venerable was killed for his support of China Relief Fund and the training of Nanyang Volunteers. Venerable Pu Liang was the Abbot of Shuang Lin Monastery and chairperson of the Singapore Chinese Buddhist Association.
Ming Emperor Overseas?
In 1402, the Prince of Yan rebelled and seized the Ming throne and became Emperor Yong Le. Three years later, Admiral Cheng Ho was sent on his famous maritime voyages. Rumours has it that Cheng Ho was sent to capture Emperor Jian Wen who was deposed in 1402.
Shattered Dreams of a Manchurian Princess
On the morning of 25 March 1948, a Manchurian Princess Xianyu, also known as Yoshiko Kawashima, was executed by the Nationalist Government of China. She was known as Jin Bi Hui during the tiral and found guilty of spying for the Japanese.
Was she a victim or did she pay the price of a political gamble?
Getting to know Chinese Emperors
There are many Chinese emperors and they can be referred to by many names. This article identifies the various ways a Chinese Emperor can be referred to.
We have a choice today but in the past, using a wrong name can cost you your life.
Wu Zhe Tian
Wu Zhe Tian, the only women in the history of China to become an emperor and the only emperor to have a wordless stele. She was critised for going against tradition but also appropiated by other women with political ambitions the latest being Mdm Mao.
Sino Japanese War
A series of articles related to the Second Sino Japanese War that evolved into WW2 from 1937 to 1945.