Pink Dot 2014
Singapore Chinatown saw the pink dot appear for the 6th time since 2009.
The pink dot is a movement for freedom to love regardless of sexual orientation. Since the first Pink Dot in 2009, the dot has broken its own record every year growing from 2500 to 26000 this year.
While people step out and speak out in support of GLBT, this year’s Pink dot saw the emergence of homophobic religious leaders inciting hatred under the “pro family” banner.
Fundamentalist religious portray of GLBT
Lawrence Khong, the homophobic Christian pastor has claimed that homosexuals have “a shorter lifespan, more sexually transmitted infections and more health problems than the general population”.
It should be highlighted that Lawerence Khong probably hates not just gays but anything non-Christian. His church has destroyed Taoist and Buddhist artifacts and boasted about it in their church newsletters.
In face of Lawrence Khong’s ranting, moderate Christians have spoken up again him and some Christian leaders have also invited him to a dialogue but with no response from him.
Meanwhile a Muslim religious leader claimed that Pink Dot date was chosen to coincide with the start of Ramadan to offend Muslims. Singapore is a multi-religious and multi-cultural space where many events such as pork and alcohol consumption that are prohibited in Islam occur on that day and in fact every day of the fasting month.
So it is a great curiosity that they are specifically offended by the imaginary logic that Pink dot date was selected to offend them.
The postings on Wearwhite reveal disturbing comments towards GLBT community such as GLBT has “mental illness when you have a choice to be straight but have chosen lgbt lifestyle”.
Meanwhile in “We are against Pink dot in Singapore”, the Muslim members call for Allah to “destroy” GLBT and another member wants to be the “slayer” of gays.
There is hope!
Against this backdrop of hatred incited by religious leaders, it is heartwarming that people step out in support of Pink Dot. It is the courageous speaking out that can keep religious fanatics at bay.
In fact, GLBT who are concerned should take heart that there are gods and places such as the Gay Rabbit God temple where they can turn to for spiritual support. After all, you can change your religion but not your orientation.
Protecting secular Singapore
Singapore is a multi-cultural and multi religious society whose harmony and prosperity rests on mutual respect of cultural and religious differences.
The religious aggression against Pink Dot can also be interpreted as religious groups using GLBT community as a litmus test to impose their beliefs on secular Singapore.
It is very easy for religious group to make the first strike but when the blood flows, the wound may never heal.
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