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Chinese Tea Genealogy

We are builing a Chinese tea genealogy, a super birds eye view of Chinese tea.

It is a work in progress and an opportunity to try as manfy teas as we can find.

Non Fermented tea Lightly Fermented tea Semi Fermented tea Fully Fermented tea Floral Tea
Green tea Yellow tea White tea Blue tea (oolong tea) Red Tea Black tea Floral tea
绿茶 黄茶 白茶 青茶 / 乌龙茶 红茶 黑茶 花茶
西湖龙井   吉安白茶 武夷 正山小种    
Xihu Longjing   Ji An White tea Wuyi Lapsang Souchang    
碧螺春     乌龙      
Bi Luo Chun     Oolong      
      Dan Cong      






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