Type of Chinese Tea

The names of Chinese teas are often descriptive, poetic or reflects its history or legends. Examples include The Red Robe, 大红袍, Dragon's Well, 龙井, Beauty of the East, 东方美人, Silver Needles, 银针, and Phoenix Tea, 凤凰茶.
To tea lovers, such names add a degree of elegance to the art of tea appreciation. But to the uninitiated, the tea names do not say anything about the type, condition or quality of the tea leaves.
A few basic concepts will open the door to tea appreciation.
Chinese tea is generally classified as:
Within each category, differences in location, climate and soil conditions, oxidation and roasting process give rise to a wide spectrum of taste and fragrances.
The different categories can be conceptualized as a spectrum as opposed to distinct type of teas. At one end is heavily roasted and fully oxidized black tea while at the other end is green tea which has undergone very little fermentation and little or no roasting. In between are oolong, green tea and yellow tea.
Floral tea can be produced with most types of tea leaves simply by adding flowers and buds. Some examples of floral tea include osmanthus, jasmine, orchid, and chrysanthemum tea.
Tea appreciation is an acquired taste. Most beginners will find black tea familiar as it tastes similar to the English breakfast tea.
As you sample different types of tea, you will discover a range of taste, fragrance and aroma. Since tea appreciation is subjective, take your time to discover the specific type of tea that suits you.
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Chinese Tea Gallery |

An old Yixing clay teapot

tea bowl 盖杯

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A store offering Chinese tea in Bangkok Chinatown